10 Movie Actors Who Returned To Roles They Hated

5. Shia LaBeouf - Transformers 

Batman The Flash

Megan Fox wasn't the only one who didn't enjoy working on those Transformers movies (and, honestly, it's hard to find anyone who did). Shia LaBeouf is now a "serious" actor, and known for committing to his roles in some weird, unexpected ways (including removing his teeth and getting massive tattoos).

Like Fox, LaBeouf was put on the map thanks to his starring role alongside the Autobots and Decepticons, but he's not been overly complimentary about the franchise since.

By the time the sequel rolled around, he had already phoned out, admitting in one interview that, "I wasn't impressed with what we did...there were some really wild stunts in it, but the heart was gone. It's just a bunch of fighting robots."

He even admitted to falling asleep during the screening - if you've seen Revenge of the Fallen, you can likely relate - but, likely for contractual or financial reasons, reprised the role again in Transformers: Dark of the Moon. He was done with the series after that, of course, and it can't have been easy playing Sam Witwicky for a third time after hating the first two experiences.

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Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.