10 Movie Adaptations That Clearly Hated The Source Material

6. World War Z

World War Z Ending Brad Pitt Zombie
Paramount Pictures

World War Z was nowhere near the travesty it could have been. The Brad Pitt zombie vehicle was primed to be a disaster for studio Paramount, with expensive reshoots and a ballooning budget dominating the headlines before the film came out. The studio managed to save it, but the consensus was they could have avoided that precarious situation had they just, you know, actually adapted the book.

That's because despite being based on Max Brooks' apocalyptic novel, the movie adaptation shares nothing other than a title with the literature. The book is closer to an anthology series, comprised of a bunch of fictional interviews with characters who flesh out the history of the zombie uprising 20 years after the fact. Hell, the book's original subtitle, "An Oral History of the Zombie War", tells you everything you need to know.

As you might have guessed, the World War Z film is not made up of a bunch of different stories and perspectives like that, and instead focuses purely on one man's quest to save the world.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3