10 Movie Answers Given YEARS Later

4. Does The Truce Last? - The Matrix Revolutions

Ant-Man Falcon
Warner Bros.

The Question:

The third Matrix film ended on a stultifying cliffhanger ending which really asked more questions than it answered. Beyond Neo's (Keanu Reeves) ambiguous fate, a truce is forged between Zion and the Machines after Neo agrees to destroy Agent Smith (Hugo Weaving).

Yet the film makes it explicitly clear that this is a deeply uneasy truce, and so the original trilogy wraps up on a not-entirely-hopeful note whereby war between the humans and the Machines could soon enough kick off again following Smith's demise. But, did it?

The Answer:

It took 18 damn years, but we finally got our answer in The Matrix Resurrections.

When Neo visits Niobe (Jada Pinkett Smith) in the new underground human city of IO, she reveals that the truce did in fact last for many years, and that the Architect (Helmut Bakaitis) kept his promise to let anyone who wished to be unplugged from the Matrix do so.

The problem, however, is that when enough people became unplugged, the Matrix began to suffer power shortages, which ironically caused the Machines to begin turning on one another and eventually break out into civil war.

Further unexpectedly, the situation somewhat eased relations between humans and Machines, as some Machines decided to switch sides and join humanity, with Bugs (Jessica Henwick) revealing that these Sentinels prefer to be called "Synthients."

So while there's certainly continuing Machine conflict in Resurrections, Neo's trip to the Machine City in Revolutions had a major, irreversible effect on how the Machines view humankind.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.