10 Movie Answers Given YEARS Later

3. What Was Up With The Coast Guards? - Scooby Doo

Ant-Man Falcon
Warner Bros.

The Question:

2002's James Gunn-penned Scooby-Doo movie may not be as urgently plotted as most (see: all) of the movies on this list, but that doesn't mean that fans haven't been agonising for a whole 20 years to learn what was up with those damn coast guards.

During the movie, Mary Jane (Isla Fisher) calls Spooky Island's coast guard to report the ancient demons running riot there, only for the guard who answers the phone to hang up and start laughing maniacally about the whole situation.

Were they just a**hole guards who didn't take their job seriously? Were they paid off to ignore the situation? Or was there something more nefarious at play?

The Answer:

The scene's nebulous truth was finally recently revealed in an interview with the film's editor, Kent Beyda.

Beyda confirmed that the two coast guards were indeed possessed by the demons as many fans had suspected - hence their bizarre reaction to the mayhem unfolding on Spooky Island.

And like that, one of the low-key most irksome unanswered questions of cinema's last two decades (seriously) got sewn up.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.