10 Movie Bars You Should Probably Avoid On A Pub Crawl

2. The Slaughtered Lamb - An American Werewolf In London

the slaughtered lamb There's something not quite right living out there on the Moors. We've all long suspected it - and we don't mean farmer's showing the livestock a good time either - and the locals who live close by (that's why they're locals, duh!) more than suspect it, they know for sure! When two American tourists wonder into The Slaughtered Lamb the locals warn them to stick to the paths or else something bad will happen. But have you ever tried sticking to a path on the Moors? What paths you say? That's my point exactly. Technically the worst part of this pub is not what's inside it but what's lurking not too far outside it's door. The reason it ranks so highly on our list is because the regulars who go there daily to play chess and drink real ales that put hair on your chest have absolutely no intention of preventing you from becoming the next meal of the resident Werewolf! As long as it isn't themselves who are on the menu they simply don't care. Now that's a scary thought. And what's with the pentagram on the wall? Is it for protection or do the locals control the Wolf? Do they send naive travellers onward to their deaths? There's one sure fire way to find out my dear pub crawlers. Make this a destination on your night out.

Master of Quack-Fu. Fishfinger Sandwich aficionado. Troll Hunter.