10 Movie Bromances That Were Incredibly Unhealthy

3. Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock Holmes Could there be a more classic bromance than Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson? Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law have reinvigorated the Sir Arthur Conan Doyle stories with their playful portrayals of the famous duo. Downey Jr. And Law however have shifted the innuendo between Holmes and Watson into overdrive and worked the €˜odd couple€™ nature of their relationship. Their bromance is a dysfunctional one. Sherlock selfishly clings to Watson and guards his affection. He is intentionally prickly in his dealings with Mary Morstan because of her romance with the good doctor. On top of this he takes Watson€™s friendship for granted and constantly drags him along on his adventures. Sherlock is such a terrible best friend that he forgets to throw Watson a bachelor party in Game of Shadows and instead forces him into assisting on a mission. Deep down we all know that against his better judgement Watson is really dying to partner up with Holmes on his missions. Their relationship is so twisted that Watson knows he shouldn't be spending time with him but he is drawn to the excitement that comes from being around the brilliant sleuth. Just to top it off they bicker and fight like they are an old married couple. This is one complicated bromance that many will try and fail to understand.
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Daniel is a writer obsessed with film and music and spends as much time as possible immersing himself in both. Sometimes he forgets where movies end and life begins.