10 Movie Bromances That Were Incredibly Unhealthy

4. Shaun Of The Dead

shaun of the dead Shaun of the Dead is a grand zombie rom-com romp. It€™s full of laughs, gore, wit, and clever filmic nods to some of the greats of the horror genre. It also features a hilarious bromance between the titular Shaun and his slob of a roommate Ed that has to be described as unhealthy. The bromance is mainly unhealthy because of their complete dependence on one another. The pair are content to waste away their days at their local pub the Winchester or kill some time playing PlayStation 2 in their flat. They are in a comfortable little rut together and don€™t want to break out of it anytime soon. In real life Simon Pegg actually refers to Nick Frost as his 'heterosexual life partner'. Now don€™t get me wrong, playing video games and having a beer are two of the finest pastimes but this is basically all that they do together. Ed is like a security blanket for Shaun. As long as he has him to hang out with he will feel better about his life. Ed is more than happy to mooch off of Shaun, letting him pay the rent or refusing to clean up around the house. On the other hand Shaun is afraid of what life would be like without Ed€™s ape impersonations and silent but deadly farts.
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Daniel is a writer obsessed with film and music and spends as much time as possible immersing himself in both. Sometimes he forgets where movies end and life begins.