10 Movie Character Designs Changed In Subtle Ways

8. Buford Tannen Lost His Giant Beard - Back To The Future Part III

Thor The Dark World

Back to the Future Part III is a ludicrously entertaining sequel which unexpectedly shifts the genre to a western, and sees Marty (Michael J. Fox) and Doc (Christopher Lloyd) cross paths with Biff Tannen's (Thomas F. Wilson) great-grandfather, Buford "Mad Dog" Tannen.

You'll surely remember in the film that Buford had a grubby face, wears a wide-rimmed black hat, and touts a decent tuft of facial hair - namely a handlebar-style mustache and well-grown beard.

But Buford actually made a brief "cameo" in Back to the Future Part II, when his picture could be seen in the Biff Tannen museum in the dystopian alternate version of 1985 that Marty travels to.

This proto-version of Buford has a much thicker, bushier beard that covers the sides of his face, and his head hair also appears to be much longer and more bouffant.

Evidently Robert Zemeckis and company hadn't yet settled on Buford's final design for Part III, and so made the subtle(ish) alterations with the hope that nobody would care or notice.

For the most part they were right, and after all, what's to say that Buford didn't simply get a haircut?


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.