10 Movie Characters Killed In Reshoots

6. All The Remaining Survivors - Dawn Of The Dead (2004)

Suicide Squad

Zack Snyder's surprisingly great Dawn of the Dead remake originally ended with the survivors fleeing Milwaukee on a yacht as the infected Michael (Jake Weber) stays behind and shoots himself in the head.

Test audiences found this ending too jarringly abrupt, though, and so Snyder decided to shoot a found footage-style segment to be tacked onto the movie's end credits.

While principal photography took place in Toronto, this sequence was shot in California, and depicted the survivors running out of supplies, riding their yacht to an island, and being overrun by zombies.

At the end of the sequence the camcorder drops to the floor, and while we don't explicitly see the heroes die, the implication is incredibly clear.

It would've been nigh-on impossible for the resource-strapped survivors to fend off such a large horde of the undead, and so anyone who stuck around for the credits got a decidedly bleaker ending than those who booked it as soon as they started rolling.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.