10 Movie Characters Pointlessly Forced Into Sequels

6. George McFly - Back To The Future Part II

The Dark Knight Rises Liam Neeson
Universal Pictures

George McFly is one of the center pieces of the original Back to the Future. His relationship with marty and Lorraine is the center point of the entire plot. Him learning to be stronger and more assertive is what makes all of the timeline changes. He goes from a geek and a wimp to a geek and a rad dude who punches bullies and, dunno, probably skateboards. He's cool now, he can skitch too!

However, Crispin Glover - McFly's actor - had a falling out with the studio after the first film and bowed out. In honesty, it wouldn't be hard to plan around his disappearance, but that's not what they did.

Despite the story not needing him to be there, George McFly randomly shows up at Marty and Lorraine's house in the future. And to get around Glover's disappearance, they simply cast a different actor who looks like he fell into oatmeal. He looks basically nothing like Crispin Glover, does nothing and could easily have been taken out.

It's a weird scene that feels pointless and maybe a little mean.


Tara Giovannini hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.