10 Movie Characters Saved By Stupidly Impossible Luck

10. Frodo And Sam - The Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King

Starting this list of characters saved by stupidly impossible luck with an example that few readers are likely to be unaware of - after a gruelling journey across Middle Earth to deposit the ring in the fiery pit of Mount Doom, hobbits Frodo and Sam find themselves trapped on the lava-covered mountain slopes with seemingly nowhere to go. Cue the arrival of the eagles, swooping in at the last minute and plucking our brave heroes away from certain death just as the mountain collapses around them. The hobbits aren't the only ones to have been saved at the last minute by the eagles - Gandalf has also been saved by Gwaihir and his friends. Another hotly debated aspect of The Lord Of The Rings which did the rounds on the internet is the question as to why Gandalf didn't just get the eagles to fly the ring into Mount Doom in the first place. It certainly would've saved a lot of trouble for everyone else, but probably wouldn't have made for anywhere near as entertaining a story.
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The Hobbit
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