10 Movie Characters Saved By Stupidly Impossible Luck

9. Norville Barnes - The Hudsucker Proxy

The Coen brothers' homage to the screwball comedies of old, The Hudsucker Proxy, may have been slated by the critics and bombed at the box office, but there's plenty here for fans of good comedy to enjoy. It's rare that character in comedy face imminent death and, for the most part, budding entrepreneur Norville Barnes (played by Tim Robbins) gets through the film without any serious mishaps. By the end, however, his prospects for survival take a turn for the worse and he finds himself plummeting down the side of a huge skyscraper. Facing a messy death on the ground, Norville finds himself saved by a guardian angel of sorts - a kindly clock maintanence guy called Moses who somehow has the ability to freeze time. It comes completely out of the blue and gives you a good indication of just how seriously you should take the movie.
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