10 Movie Characters That Got Happy Endings They Did Not Deserve
8. Ferris Bueller - Ferris Bueller's Day Off

Ferris Bueller (Matthew Broderick) was something of a hero when his coming of age day off released in 1986. He was fighting back against authority, sticking it to the man and doing whatever he wanted to do. However, there were more than a few issues with what Ferris was doing.
For starters, it wasn't just himself he was affecting. This wasn't his first rodeo when it came to skipping school, and he even had a system to cover his tracks, but he dragged both Sloane (Mia Sara) and Cameron (Alan Ruck) down with him.
In fairness, his girlfriend Sloane seemed to be game for whatever he wanted to do on his day off, despite having her believe her grandmother had died, but it was Cameron who was manipulated more than anyone. Ferris all but forced him to skip school, putting his future in jeopardy, and though he claimed he was doing it for Cameron's own good, he had him steal his dad's car and threatened their relationship entirely.
All this without mentioning the lying to his parents and his principal, who just wanted his student to attend school, and was there any kind of consequence? Nope. The smug little kid got to ride off into the sunset knowing that he could do it all over again and get away with it whenever he pleased.