10 Movie Characters That Mean More Than You Think

8. Helga Dahl - Titanic

Titanic Fabrizio Helga

You probably don't remember his name, but you probably do remember who Fabrizio (Danny Nucci) is in James Cameron's Titanic - the Italian young man Jack (Leonardo DiCaprio) boards the doomed vessel with at the start of the movie.

And you might remember that Fabrizio dances with a pretty blonde woman in steerage, but probably didn't give her much more than a passing thought.

But that woman is Helga Dahl (Camilla Overbye Roos), a character who appears far more prominently in the film's deleted scenes, developing a relationship with Fabrizio that was intended to serve as a counterpoint to the central romance between Jack and Rose (Kate Winslet).

While Rose finds love outside of her class and disobeys her family in doing so, Helga finds a lover in her own class and sticks with her family instead of trying to survive with Fabrizio.

This culminates in Helga's death in the film's climax, falling from the sinking ship to her icy, untimely demise.

And while it's still a horrifying moment in the final movie, if Cameron's 195-minute epic didn't need to lose material for pacing reasons, Helga's death would've been loaded with so much more meaning.

While Jack and Rose stuck together until the bitter end, Fabrizio and Helga did the total opposite - they split up and both died horrible, lonely deaths.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.