10 Movie Characters That Mean More Than You Think

5. Sylvia Trench - Dr. No

Eunice Gayson Sylvia Trench Dr No
Eon Productions

Only the most hardcore James Bond fans will likely even remember Sylvia Trench (Eunice Gayson), a minor love interest for 007 (Sean Connery) who appears briefly in the first two James Bond films, Dr. No and From Russia with Love.

But she ultimately has an extremely important role in establishing one of the series' most iconic mainstays, because she's directly responsible for Bond's now-customary signature introduction, "Bond. James Bond."

Upon meeting her, Bond asks her name, and she replies, "Trench, Sylvia Trench." But when she asks the same, he somewhat mockingly retorts in the same fashion, in a manner that immediately became Bond's indelible catchphrase.

It's easy to forget that Bond didn't just invent that colourful delivery all by himself, but was inspired by Trench, who despite her minor stature in the narrative context of the series, had an ever-lasting impact that still endures over 50 years later.

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