10 Movie Characters That Mean More Than You Think

4. The Clock Tower Lady - Back To The Future

Back to the Future Clock Tower Lady

Back to the Future is an unforgettable movie for many reasons, but no matter how many times you've seen it over the years, it's incredibly easy to take for granted a character without whom Marty McFly (Michael J. Fox) would've been trapped in the past.

Mere minutes into the movie, Marty and Jennifer (Claudia Wells) are accosted by a woman (Elsa Raven) asking them to donate towards the cause to prevent the damaged clock tower - which was struck by lightning - from being restored. In order to make her go away as fast as possible, he quickly hands her some cash.

Before she leaves, she gives Marty a flier which he pays no attention to, yet later in the movie becomes vital to him finding safe passage from 1955 back to 1985.

The flier, you see, has the exact date and time of the lightning strike, which Marty needs in order to facilitate the DeLorean traveling back through time to his present.

In this respect, the clock tower lady is one of the film's most vital characters, because without her pestering Marty and Jennifer, Marty would've ended up forced to naturally live out three decades of time in order to return to 1985. Bummer.

But like that damn rat in Avengers: Endgame, the importance of her contributions are easily overlooked in favour of the bigger picture and because of how quickly she waltzes in and out of the movie.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.