10 Movie Characters That Suffered Unnecessarily Cruel Fates

1. David Drayton - The Mist (2007)

For a movie fate that is avoidable but dramatically very effective, look no further than the final moments of the greatest horror film of the 21st Century, (come at me, bro) Frank Darabont's ensemble-driven adaptation of Stephen King's The Mist.

It's Tom Jane's survivor David who gets the entry onto this list, rather than the four people he shoots in the head. Realising his small band of escapees have no hope of evading the monsters lurking in the mist, he must do the unthinkable. Using the only four bullets he has left, he euthanises his four passengers, including his own son, sparing them any agony before bravely sacrificing himself to whatever gory demise is heading his way. But then...the mist clears and the army emerge, survivors in tow.

Watching David sink to his knees in despair as he screams to the heavens is never anything less than heartrending, and knowing that if he'd waited just another minute or two his son would be alive and he wouldn't be bearing the burden of having killed him for ultimately no reason. A truly tragic, harrowing ending beautifully shot, acted, and scored.

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Mancunian man in London. Film statto. Music geek. Football lover. Quiz maker. Liam Gallagher once told me to fuck off.