10 Movie Characters That Suffered Unnecessarily Cruel Fates

2. Zara - Jurassic World (2015)

Right. This one is...just. I mean...Wow. Where do I start?

In Steven Spielberg's 1993 masterpiece Jurassic Park, the characters who were picked off by dinosaurs all created their own demises by displaying cowardice, greed, hubris, and foolishness respectively. You didn't want to see them go, but you knew someone had to, and you were satisfied that the characters who were in it more for themselves than for the team should say bye-bye first. Twenty-two years later, it's all change.

Zara, played by Katie McGrath, doesn't really display any of those characteristics. In fact, she doesn't have much of a character at all. She's just glued to her phone. Her death scene, though, remains memorable, as she is mauled, pecked, clawed and hurled through the air by pterodactyls before being swallowed whole by a mosasaurus.

In terms of film deaths, this really is one that should be reserved for a proper villain. Zara is not that. If she is guilty of anything, it's being a mediocre babysitter. Maybe texting too much. But that's it. The appallingly protracted death of a non-villainous supporting character is so unreasonable it makes me want to question the filmmakers' views on both mobile phone use in public and, yes, women in general.

Even the film's main antagonist, Vincent D'Onofrio's Vic Hoskins, is afforded an off-camera quietus. A baffling end to a character that's actually quite uncomfortable to watch. And not in a good way.


Mancunian man in London. Film statto. Music geek. Football lover. Quiz maker. Liam Gallagher once told me to fuck off.