10 Movie Characters That Were Written Out In Dumb Ways

3. Half Of The First Class Cast - X-Men: Days Of Future Past

Aliens newt
20th Century Studios

2014's X-Men: Days of Future Past sought to correct the wrongs of previous films. It rewrote history and brought back characters such as Cyclops and Jean Grey. But the movie also made mistakes of its own.

The 2011 film X-Men: First Class introduced a new cast of characters. Led by a young Professor Xavier and Magneto, the movie featured mutants such as Emma Frost, Banshee, Azazel and more.

With the announcement of Days of Future Past, the prospect of bringing in two generations of X-Men seemed exciting. This is why it was so disappointing to see half of the First Class killed off-screen.

While younger versions of Xavier, Magneto, Beast, Mystique and Havok returned, the rest weren't so lucky. As explained by Magneto, his Brotherhood of Mutants along with Banshee were captured and killed by the humans. Mystique even saw photos of Angel and Azazel; both cut up for scientific purposes.

It is ironic then that X-Men: Days of Future Past repeated the very same mistakes it was trying to undo. While the film itself was great, the mistreatment of beloved X-Men characters was not.

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Loves film, games, and music. Collects Predator figures from time to time and a huge Sonic fan.