10 Movie Characters We'd Share a Desert Island With

6. Captain Jack Sparrow - Pirates of the Caribbean

Who on earth would want to share a desert island with somebody who loathes the very sight of desert islands due to the morbidity of a near-deadly run-in with one? Also, who would want to share a desert island with someone who spends every land-lubbing minute pining for the waves? A seemingly unassailable obstacle until the nature of €˜sharing€™ is properly tackled. Choose any trodden cliché to describe him €“ free spirit, caged bird etc €“ but convince the loveable rogue that a) he€™s not subject to any patron of the land and b) a friendly haven far from the covetous inhabitants of Tortuga would be of personal benefit to him,and having pirate on hand could be incredibly beneficial. A regular ship in harbour brings the opportunity to hear of new maritime adventures €“ fireside storytelling being the core feature of entertainment if you hadn€™t guessed already €“ as well as the possibility of getting some leave from the island and, therefore, some respite from the other Islandites who you€™re sure to get a little sick of at some point. One import brought by the Captain, much more than the collection of tales and trinkets, would be a panacea to all. A commodity short in supply but long in benefits. An asset so valuable, the Princess of Singapore would be petitioning for a VISA immediately upon hearing of its abundance on your island. Rum. Dark, magic molasses to ease the plight of any group cut off from the wider world and, for a group of ten lovers of stories, a regular injection of alcohol will be a goldmine. Convince the unsteady captain to make your island his own secret cache at the cost of a few tipples here and there and you€™ve just avoided mass insanity and guaranteed drunken stories to boot!
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A. J. S. Scott was created as a homunculus by a mad English Alchemist who was trying to make rum from ink and seawater. He is still a fan of both and he has no comment on what happened to all the ‘No Exit’ signs in Islington Underground Station when he visited for Beltaine. You can send him missives by bribing the Right Raven with sour-strings, or: Instagram: @ajsscott Tumblr: andrew-scott-things.tumblr.com