10 Movie Characters Who Became Total Caricatures In Sequels

9. Agent Smith

Freddy Krueger
Warner Bros

It's generally agreed upon that the original Matrix is really good, and the other two films are...there. Some think they're the worst things since cancer, others can't even muster enough capacity to care that much. But no matter what side of that conflict you're on, we can all agree that one character who just got worse was Agent Smith.

When Agent Smith started out in the first movie, he was the perfect antagonist for everything our heroes stood for. Essentially being Hal 9000 if he hijacked a meat suit and took it for a spin, the movie never lets you forget that this thing is not human. The now meme'd to death scene of Hugo Weaving laughing unnaturally is the perfect example of this. This is a computer mimicking joy and laughter and sadistic glee, when really it hasn't the capacity to take pleasure in harming Neo.

However, as the movies went on, he just became a typical henchman for the computers to throw at our hero. Hugo Weaving was still amazing, of course, but the subtlety to the performance was lost because the writing wasn't backing him up like it was before.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?