10 Movie Characters Who Debuted Much Earlier Than You Think

6. Mr. Harrington (Spider-Man: Homecoming) - The Incredible Hulk

Martin Starr Spider-Man Homecoming Incredible Hulk
Marvel Studios

The Character

Roger Harrington (Martin Starr), the charmingly awkward teacher and academic decathlon coach of Peter Parker (Tom Holland) and co., known for his dedication to his pupils and...being a huge goof.

Their REAL Debut

Mr. Harrington is actually Martin Starr's second MCU role, having first appeared as an unnamed college student credited as "Computer Nerd" in 2008's The Incredible Hulk, almost a decade before he was in Homecoming.

Starr's nerd is briefly seen interacting with Bruce Banner (Edward Norton) in a computer lab, and though the film's novelisation named him as comic book character Amadeus Cho, no cinematic inference has ever been made to back this up.

After Homecoming's release, fans quickly came up with the theory that the nerd was instead a young Mr. Harrington, and during the press tour for Far From Home earlier this year, Marvel big-wig Kevin Feige confirmed that, indeed, the two are one and the same. Happy days.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.