10 Movie Characters Who Debuted Much Earlier Than You Think

5. Earl McGraw (Kill Bill: Vol. 1) - From Dusk Till Dawn

Earl McGraw Michael Parks Kill Bill From Dusk Till Dawn

The Character

Earl McGraw (Michael Parks) is the Texas Ranger who investigates Kill Bill: Volume 1's opening wedding chapel massacre, a small but memorable part for veteran character actor and regular Tarantino collaborator Michael Parks.

In addition to playing an entirely different character in Kill Bill: Volume 2, Parks would reprise the role of McGraw in both parts of Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez's Grindhouse double bill - Planet Terror and Death Proof.

Their REAL Debut

But the McGraw character actually originated many years earlier in Rodriguez's 1996 vampire flick From Dusk Till Dawn, as also played by Parks.

McGraw is again a Texas Ranger, who this time ends up shot through the head by insane outlaw Richie Gecko (Quentin Tarantino) at the very start of the movie.

Good luck explaining how McGraw managed to survive such an evidently fatal gunshot, though given the rather slippery approach Tarantino and Rodriguez have to their shared universe of movies, it doesn't really matter much.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.