10 Movie Characters Who Died For A Good Reason

8. Shosanna & the Basterds (Inglourious Basterds)

shosanna_dreyfus_inglorious_basterds In Quentin Tarantino's reimagining of World War II, the group known as the Inglourious Basterds go on a Nazi scalp hunt, striking fear into the hearts of the National Socialists. Simultaneously, the young and gorgeous theater owner Shosanna lives under a false identity in order to evade the Nazis. While in reality Adolf Hitler's demise came by his own hand as he ate lead with his lady, Tarantino's Oscar nominated vision was mischievously fresh and new. The theater burns around the vigilantes due to Shosanna's repurposed film stock. The Basterds sit atop the balcony, killing off Hitler himself and hundreds of Nazi men and sympathizers in the seats below before the dynamite they smuggled in goes off. Through these actions, the Basterds and Shosanna were able to effectively end the second World War.
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Nick Fulton hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.