10 Movie Characters Who Died Twice

1. Wolverine - The Wolverine & Logan

Imhotep Mummy

Bowing out with one last Marvel soul who just did not know when to call it a day, Wolverine has proven on more than a few occasions throughout his time on the cinematic stage that you can never truly count out this adamantium hard-ass.

With Hugh Jackman's claw-boasting anti-hero finding a way to survive everything from an atomic bomb blast to being sent crashing to the bottom of a river, you'd be forgiven for thinking that it was just about impossible to see off this rather relentless mutant.

But James Howlett has actually flatlined on a number of occasions over the years as it goes.

The Wolverine saw Jackman's one-time X-Men member extract a robotic parasite from his own chest that had been suppressing his iconic healing abilities, only for Wolvie to drop dead on the operating table in the aftermath. Thankfully, said regeneration abilities soon kicked in and he was back to his ol' slicin' and dicin' ways in no time.

Until Yukio's prophecy about Logan's eventual death (on his back with blood everywhere and holding his own heart in his hands) ultimately came true during the climax of the eventual Logan sequel, of course, with the titular character eventually reaching the end of the line for good; covered in blood whilst holding his daughter's hand.

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