10 Movie Characters Who Died Twice

2. Thanos - Avengers: Endgame

Imhotep Mummy
Marvel Studios

Thankfully, karma is a dusty b*tch.

One film on from being the person responsible for knocking off Vision a second time and Blipping away half of the universe, The Mad Titan was greeted by a justifiably brassed off set of Avengers in his retirement Garden. Then before he know what had hit him, well, a rather depressed Stormbreaker-wielding Thor had hit him... in the head.

That wouldn't be the last Earth's Mightiest Heroes would see of their arch-nemesis, mind, with time having a funny ol' habit of messing back in the wake of the Avengers' mostly successful Time Heist in Endgame.

Said "messing back" soon saw Thanos unleashing hell, and a rather staggering army on the Avengers Compound late on, coming within inches of once again getting his hands on the Infinity Stones and this time snapping away everything; restarting the universe from scratch.

But the all-powerful nut-sack chin wasn't counting on Tony Stark being a resourceful son-of-a-gun, was he? Iron Man's own Infinity Stone-supporting nanotech suit - and a bit of deceptive jostling - soon paved the way for a dose of his own Blipping medicine. And the rest was dusty history...


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...