10 Movie Characters Who Died Twice

7. Io - Clash Of The Titans & Wrath Of The Titans

Imhotep Mummy
Warner Bros.

Sticking with those lucky few who find a way to be resurrected on the cinematic stage, Clash of the Titans' seemingly immortal Io quickly learned the hard way that being ageless and invincible are two very different things entirely.

Upon being fatally stabbed straight through her midriff, Io finds herself being launched through the air by Jason Flemyng's beast formerly known as King Acrisius. And despite Perseus managing to see off the Calibos creature shortly after, the damage had already been done, with Io eventually passing away in his arms.

This being the godly world of Greek mythology, however, mystical revivals are always never too far around the corner. And sure enough, Io is brought back into being by Zeus in the closing stages of the 2010 epic.

Only for Io to then tragically be killed off once more during the time in-between Clash and Wrath of the Titans, with the film's opening sequence revealing that Perseus simply couldn't catch a break when it came to his eventually late wife.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...