10 Movie Characters Who Died Twice

6. Imhotep - The Mummy & The Mummy Returns

Imhotep Mummy
Universal Pictures

After initially being horrifically mummified alive back in 1290 BC during the events of the 1999 remake of The Mummy, Arnold Vosloo's high priest Imhotep soon found himself being brought back to life thanks to some ill-advised reading aloud of the Book of the Dead.

Managing to qualify for this list over the course of that same movie alone, said mummy is then eventually made mortal in the closing stages and fatally stabbed through the stomach by Rick O'Connell.

However, far from this being the last the gang would see of the unsettling entity, The Mummy Returns involved Imhotep doing precisely that upon once again being resurrected, this time by a bunch cultists with designs on ruling the world, of course.

Seizing the honour of the first trifecta of deaths-boasting member of this list, Imhotep would once again pass to the other side towards the end of that 2001 follow-up. But instead of being struck down at the hands of another this time around, the sandy antagonist decided to end his own life once and for all in the wake of tragically witnessing his beloved Anck-Su-Namun abandon him as he dangled onto a ledge above the Underworld.

Third times the charm, I guess.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...