10 Movie Characters Who Fought Younger Versions Of Themselves

1. Buzz Lightyear - Toy Story 2

Captain America v Captain America Endgame

"Buzz Lightyear is a toy who doesn't realise he's a toy" is such a good gag that the Toy Story franchise has repeatedly found ways to return to it in the sequels. For Toy Story 2 that involved a trip to the toy store and a whole aisle of Buzz Lightyears (complete with requisite in-joke about how the real world equivalent sold out in 1995 because stores didn't anticipate its popularity).

In the scene classic Buzz gets jealous of the snazzy utility belt on his new model and tries to take it for himself, triggering the newer model to enter the exact same "thinks he's a real space ranger" act as the older Buzz himself had once done.

In a scene that feels oddly similar to the Captain America fight, the older Buzz finds his younger self's self-righteous by-the-book earnestness to get in the way of the time-sensitive present mission; while the younger Buzz takes his older counterpart's un-Buzzish world-weary cynicism as a sign he's a treachorous infiltrator.

The Winner:

After a scrap in the middle of the aisle with hundreds of their doppelgangers looking down on them, the newer model comes out on top. Insisting that all space rangers should remain in hypersleep until otherwise authorised, he ties original Buzz into a conveniently empty spaceship-shaped Buzz Lightyear box and promises him a future court martial. Our Buzz does escape, but for the purposes of the fight it's the younger model that's the winner.

Final Scores:

6-4 to the younger selves. Something to bear in mind should you ever have a chance to confront your own past!

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