10 Movie Characters Who Fought Younger Versions Of Themselves

2. Joe - Looper

Captain America v Captain America Endgame
TriStar Pictures

One reason why Gemini Man felt a bit dated is because it came seven years after this far more inventive take on the "assassin is about to be taken out by his younger self" sub-genre, in this case using time travel instead of cloning.

Here Bruce Willis is a futuristic assassin who is supposed to be sent back in time to be killed his younger self (Joseph Gordon Levitt, relying on prosthetic makeup to make him look sort of like Willis, instead of digital de-ageing), thereby "closing the loop" on his assassin contract.

Instead, he plans to evade his younger self and use the fact that he's been sent into the past to track down and kill the child who will grow up to become ruthless criminal mastermind The Rainmaker. By doing this he thinks he can save his future wife, but his past self is determined to stop him from becoming a child murderer.

The Winner:

In their initial fight Willis's Old Joe wins by throwing gold bars at his younger self and escaping. The final confrontation, though, is a qualified "win" for the younger Joe when he shoots and kills himself (his actual self, not his other, older self), thus wiping out all of the future events anyway.


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