10 Movie Characters Who Looked Completely Human (But Weren't)

5. Abby (Let Me In)

LET ME IN Without wanting to go vampire crazy, the one vampire entry on this list comes in the form of Abby from Let Me In. Abby was born and raised on the North American continent around the 1700s and was left permanently looking like a twelve year old girl following the effects of vampirism. She's the American movie's adaptation of Eli - the male vampire who was castrated in the novel and subsequently lived his life with a feminine appearance. In the movie, Abby befriends a young boy named Owen - despite being hesitant at first - due initially to their mutual love of puzzles. They become very close, with Owen not knowing that Abby is a vampire - so close that, when he finally finds out that she is a vampire, they remain friends because he can't face being without her. When Abby kills some boys who are bullying Owen at the local pool, the two are forced to leave town on a train together. What happened to them after that is unknown.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.