10 Movie Characters Who Looked Completely Human (But Weren't)

3. Thor, Loki & The Asgardians (Marvel Cinematic Universe)

loki Despite being superhuman with vast physical strength and the durability to shrug off gunshots, Thor, Loki, Odin, the Warriors Three and all other Asgardians look to be completely human in appearance. Even when he was made 'mortal' by his Father, following his naive assault on Jotunheim in Thor, Thor was still far stronger than a regular human, easily fending off SHIELD agents and the doctors who tried to keep him in hospital. In his typical form, he is stronger than Iron Man and can take punches from the Hulk and continue to fight, while Loki took a full-on assault from a SHIELD firing squad when he arrived on Earth and subsequently took a savage beating from the Hulk without major prolonged effects. With their enhanced physical statistics and superior weapons, such as Thor's hammer Mjolnir and Loki's magic spear, they are much more than mere mortals.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.