10 Movie Characters Who Never Deserved To Die

9. Newt and Hicks (Alien 3)

aliensnewt Having spent so long desperately trying to save Newt in Aliens, only for her to then go and die within the first ten minutes of Alien 3, I can only imagine what Ripley must have been feeling. Something akin to spending ages trying to find your keys in the morning, locating them and then losing them again almost straight away. In any case, Newt's swift off camera demise cheapened the efforts on LV426 and to add insult to injury they killed off Hicks too. Obviously with Alien 3 coming out six years after Aliens, like most human beings Carrie Henn probably aged a little and so it would have been weird that she now looked like a normal person, but they could have re-cast her or at least written her out in a more satisfying manner, why the totally sudden and very quickly overlooked death?
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Tom is a budding novelist and film critic who is slowly coming to terms with the fact he might be too old to play for Arsenal. Follow him on Twitter for updates on his lunch @TomGilchrist