10 Movie Characters Who Were Perfectly Cast (The Third Time)

2. Spider-Man - Tom Holland (Captain America: Civil War)

Spider Man Far From Home Trailer 4

The Predecessors

Tobey Maguire's Spider-Man is without a doubt one of the icons of earlier big-budget superhero cinema, an endearingly optimistic and hopeful rendition of a legendary comic book character, complimented superbly by Sam Raimi's knowing direction.

The less said about Spider-Man 3 and that scene, though, the better, right?

When Spidey was given the abrupt reboot treatment in 2012 with The Amazing Spider-Man, Andrew Garfield replaced Maguire.

Though neither of his two films were particularly good, Garfield's edgier and more sarcastic Parker was praised by fans, even if Garfield being close to 30 years of age during shooting was undeniably distracting.

Third Time's The Charm...

When the MCU finally decided to introduce the character in Captain America: Civil War, they opted to spring for a more "realistic" and age-appropriate Peter Parker - that is, an actual kid.

Rising Brit actor Tom Holland was cast, and immediately won the hearts of MCU fans with his charmingly awkward performance as both Peter and Spider-Man.

In his subsequent appearances, he's brought an unexpectedly palpable emotion and vulnerability to the character far in excess of either Maguire or Garfield's outings, and to many fans, he's absolutely the definitive screen portrayal of the character.

Now we just have to keep our fingers crossed that Disney and Sony work out their profit-sharing dispute so Holland can get back to the MCU as soon as possible.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.