10 Movie Characters Who Were Perfectly Cast (The Third Time)

3. Colossus - Stefan Kapičić (Deadpool)

Deadpool Colossus
20th Century Fox

The Predecessors

Much like Kitty Pryde, Colossus made several cameo appearances in X-Men movies before finally getting his legitimate coming-out party.

The character had a blink-and-you'll-miss-it part in the first X-Men film, played by Donald Mackinnon, where he could be seen sketching a drawing at the X-Mansion.

In X2, the metallic superhero had a more memorable role, this time played by Daniel Cudmore, where he helped several students escape during Stryker's X-Mansion assault.

Cudmore returned for roles in both The Last Stand and Days of Future Past, though given how beloved the character is among fans, his parts proved disappointingly scant and forgettable.

Third Time's The Charm...

Colossus finally got his due in Deadpool, where he was brilliantly voiced by Serbian actor Stefan Kapičić, while four other performers provided the various motion capture references for the superhero's body and face.

It's Kapičić who truly brought the character to life, though, with his earnest portrayal making Colossus less of a cameo prop and more an actual character with, you know, feelings and thoughts.

His dynamic with Deadpool was a lot of fun, their differing philosophies juxtaposed for maximum comedic effect. Kapičić also returned for Deadpool 2 to much the same success.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.