10 Movie Characters Who Were Seconds Away From Surviving

7. Black Widow - Avengers: Endgame (2019)

Fear Street 1994
Marvel Studios

The death of Natasha Romanov is an interesting one, because whilst it's undeniably tragic, the scene in which she meets her maker was always going to end with at least one fan favourite Avenger biting the dust.

Travelling to the mysterious planet Vormir in search of the Soul Stone, Natasha and Clint Barton realise that one of them will have to give their lives to get what they came for. The problem is, neither of them want the other to sacrifice themselves, and an epic tussle breaks out between them.

The sequence is rife with tension, and for a while it looks like Hawkeye is going to make the leap, but at the last second Black Widow turns the tables and falls to the death, leaving Clint devastated and the Soul Stone in his hands.

It's a seriously intense scene, and on first viewing it's pretty hard to call which of the old friends will make it out alive. Someone had to die, but it still sucks when it happens.


I get to write about what I love, so that's pretty cool.