10 Movie Characters Who Were Seconds Away From Surviving

6. Simon - Fear Street Part One: 1994 (2021)

Fear Street 1994

Netflix's recent horror movie trilogy Fear Street went over incredibly well with audiences, due in large part to its inventive structure, take-no-prisoners body count, remixed horror tropes and the exhilarating mysteries at its centre.

In the middle of all this, the trilogy also boasted an impressive character line-up, and whilst chilled, drug dealing slacker Simon was far from the most developed or narratively important player around, he nonetheless helped keep things breezy with his funny one-liners and boundless wit.

Every teen horror movie needs some comic relief, and Simon filled that role beautifully. It was a massive shock, then, when he took an axe to the head in the film's final act, without warning or build-up.

Although the body count is high in the movie, many of the deaths you can see coming if you're paying attention, but Simon's broke that rule and audience's hearts in the process.

And considering how close the rest of his friends were to breaking the curse and outwitting the film's ghoulish killers, his death just hurts that little bit more.


I get to write about what I love, so that's pretty cool. Every great film should seem new every time you see it. Be excellent to each other.