10 Movie Characters Whose Fates Were Left Frustratingly Unresolved
2. David - The Lobster
Easily the most absurd movie on this list, The Lobster is also one of the funniest thanks to its totally unique concept and extreme deadpan comedy.
The premise is this: if you're single in this society, you get 45 five days to find a new partner, otherwise you get turned into an animal. On the upside, this is an animal of your own choosing. It's a small consolation.
People in this society latch on to completely surface level things in order to force relationships and avoid being turned into animals. People get together just because they both have a limp for example. Ben Wishaw's character commits to constantly giving himself nosebleeds, just so he can retain that common trait with his partner. It sounds ridiculous, but it's so close to home that it becomes scary.
David, played by Colin Farrell, escapes this facility and forms a relationship with a woman only referred to as "Short-sighted Woman", played by Rachel Weisz. Only now in this new community, relationships are strictly prohibited. Later on in the film, she is blinded by another member.
The two escape and the last scene is set at a restaurant. David is desperate to reclaim some sort of commonality, as he too is short-sighted. He goes to the bathroom and is fully prepared to blind himself with a steak knife. The audience is never shown his decision.
Either way, the relationship is now doomed. If he blinds himself, their relationship is based on surface level and meaningless common ground, no better than those at the original facility. If he doesn't blind himself, he most likely lies to his partner and then his relationship is based on a lie. If he doesn't blind himself and tells her the truth, will they be able to find true connection and common ground? That depends on how pessimistic you are as a viewer.
It is a heartbreaking and powerful ending, and the only reason the final scene is so frustrating is that we want to see that happy ending come about, no matter how far fetched it might be. The happy ending is only a glimmer of hope, but we still want a chance at it.