10 Movie Characters You Didn't Know Got Away With Breaking Laws

1. Dr Emmett ‘Doc’ Brown - Back To The Future

Back To The Future Doc Brown

The Back to the future series became an instant classic back in 1985 when the world was introduced to Marty McFly and ‘Doc’ Brown.

At this stage, it would be too difficult to ponder the legal ramifications regarding an incestuous interaction between a mother and son where said action precedes the son in questions existence. So we'll go with something more simple: Doc Brown.

A key illegal instance occurs near the beginning of the first movie in the franchise when ‘Doc’ explains that he has obtained Plutonium from Libyan terrorists on the premise of building them a nuclear bomb. It is soon explained that he is instead building his infamous DeLorean time machine with the plutonium, rather than a nuclear bomb. His procurement of the plutonium for the time machine leads to the endangerment of both himself and Marty, but most importantly Einstein, ‘Doc Brown’s dog.

While there is no direct law outlawing the building of a time machine, there is one against the use of dangerous materials which may endanger another individual, and that included Plutonium. This is outlined in the 1982 United States Code: Explosives and Other Dangerous Articles, 18 (sections 831- 837). The only relief for ‘Doc’ Brown is that not even the US government can chase someone through time.

Or can they?

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The Avengers
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Jack Knott hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.