10 Movie Characters You Didn't Realise Actually Survived

2. Two-Face - Batman Forever

Batman Forever Two Face
Warner Bros.

Batman Forever sees the Caped Crusader (Val Kilmer) facing off against both The Riddler (Jim Carrey) and Two-Face (Tommy Lee Jones), and though The Riddler ends up safely incarcerated within the padded walls of Arkham Asylum, Harvey Dent isn't quite so fortunate. Or so it seems.

At the end of the movie, Batman foils Two-Face by throwing a fistful of coins at him, seemingly confusing him enough that he loses his balance and falls to his demise in the watery depths below.

It's a fundamentally ridiculous scene, not to ignore the fact that the oh-so-principled Batman literally kills Two-Face, yet according to the movie's late director himself, Joel Schumacher, Two-Face actually survived his seemingly fateful plunge.

On the DVD commentary, Schumacher mentions that he deliberately included Two-Face's suit in Batman and Robin, during the scene where Bane (Jeep Swenson) breaks into Arkham Asylum's storage facility and retrieves Mr. Freeze's (Arnold Schwarzenegger) wares.

The intent was to imply that Dent had somehow survived his spectacular fall, even if many watching the film on their own terms would likely just assume it to be an Easter egg nodding to his existence.

Still, during the commentary Schumacher also notes that he didn't intend for Batman to kill anyone in his films, and that because we never definitively see Dent's corpse, he is indeed supposed to be alive. It doesn't get much clearer than the word of God, folks.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.