10 Movie Characters You Secretly Wish Your Girlfriend Was Like

2. Annie Hall - Annie Hall

In an Oscar winning performance, Diane Keaton plays the eccentric, ditsy, but extremely loveable Annie Hall. Possibly one of Woody Allen€™s most authentic character creations, Annie Hall brings exuberance to the screen, in perfect juxtaposition with the neurotic, paranoid angst of Allen€™s Alvy Singer. Annie is fun-loving and simple, at odds with the cantankerous hustle bustle of New York City. Allen originally planned to call the film Anhedonia, which is a psychological condition defined as €˜the inability to experience pleasure from activities usually found enjoyable€™. However Annie€™s buoyant charm and la-dee-da-ness made even the cynical Alvy let his hair down and have a good time. This is evident in the lobster scene where you can see there is genuine laughter between the two. I€™m sure even the lobsters would have even joined in the laughter if they weren€™t about to get boiled alive.

A student currently doing an English Language & Literature degree. I'm kind of a big deal. My apartment smells of rich mahogany and I have many leather-bound books. Anchorman is my favourite film.