10 Movie Characters You'd Never Expect To Be Tough As Nails

9. Kevin (Sin City)

kevin-sincity Kevin's appearance is the epitome of 'completely harmless'. He looks like a real world Harry Potter, without the obvious magical abilities. However, Kevin is actually an enormously dangerous psychopath. He kidnaps prostitutes, cuts their heads off (keeping them as trophies), and eats the rest of their bodies. He is a very skilled fighter and martial artist, with speed and aggression that even Marv's brutal strength struggled to match. He also wears metal claws which he uses to slash at his opponents, adding to his already dangerous move-set. Kevin never shows any human emotions and he has no mercy for his victims and seemingly enjoys their pain. He is also completely indifferent to his own pain, showing no care (not even opening his mouth) when Marv punches him in the face, cuts him in to pieces and allows a wolf to eat him alive before cutting off his head.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.