10 Movie Cliffhangers Nobody Cared About

5. Daisy's Sequel-Bait - Super Mario Bros.

Transformers The Last Knight
Buena Vista Pictures

Super Mario Bros. may not be a very good movie - and certainly not a good adaptation of its video game namesake - but it gets points for its creative production design and generally bonkers, throw-everything-at-the-wall filmmaking.

That doesn't mean its hilariously optimistic cliffhanger ending in any way got audiences young or old hype for a potential sequel, though.

The final scene sees Princess Daisy (Samantha Mathis) rock up to Mario (Bob Hoskins) and Luigi's (John Leguizamo) apartment, totting a large gun and burned clothes, before insisting she needs their help, and that they're not going to believe what she's been through.

Mario and Luigi quickly grab their wares, but before Daisy can explain what's up, the movie abruptly ends.

Cliffhangers intended to set up sequels generally need to give audiences a little more than this - show them how the stakes are going to be raised for a sequel or give them a glimpse of a new world or even the next movie's antagonist.

Instead, Super Mario Bros. basically gave viewers close-to-nothing, and so it's little surprise that few were enthused to see what happened next.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.