10 Movie Cliffhangers Nobody Cared About

4. "Let The Games Begin" - Dracula Untold

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Shortly before Dracula Untold's release, the film reportedly underwent reshoots to retroactively fashion it as the first entry into Universal's new Dark Universe - a cinematic universe set to feature the studio's most iconic monsters, like The Mummy, The Wolfman, Frankenstein, and The Invisible Man.

Despite this, Universal denied claims that Dracula Untold was the series' launching pad, perhaps in part because said reshoots resulted in such a lackluster, unimpressive setup for future stories.

The film's tacked-on present-day epilogue sees Vlad aka Dracula (Luke Evans) meet up with a woman, Mina, who bares a strong resemblance to his dead wife Mirena (Sarah Gadon).

The Master Vampire (Charles Dance) who first turned Vlad into a vampire is then revealed to be watching them, and as they walk away, the Master Vampire quips, "Let the games begin."

Evidently the ending placed Vlad in the present day in order to set up his future interactions with the other monsters in the Dark Universe, with the Master Vampire possibly acting as the Nick Fury-esque link between them all.

Audiences were more confused than interested, though, and so Universal decided to "relaunch" the Dark Universe with Tom Cruise's The Mummy a few years later - which similarly failed to strike a chord with viewers.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.