10 Movie Cliffhangers That Were Ignored In The Sequel

1. Jobe Becomes A Virtual Being - The Lawnmower Man

The Matrix Reloaded Neo
New Line Cinema

You're not going to find many people willing to defend The Lawnmower Man, a Stephen King adaptation so divergent that King successfully sued to have his name removed from the title.

The titular lawnmower man is Jobe Smith (Jeff Fahey), an intellectually disabled gardener who, after partaking in an intelligence-enhancing experiment, becomes obsessed with evolving into an all-digital being.

Well, Jobe certainly gets his wish, as the film's loony ending implies that he's effectively become the all-powerful ruler of cyberspace, lording over basically all technology on the planet without a physical form.

Yet this was infuriatingly retconned in the sequel Lawnmower Man 2: Beyond Cyberspace, which ignores Jobe transcending his flesh and instead reveals that he's still very much a corporeal human being.

In the first film, Jobe's transformation into a digital entity allowed him to avoid a laboratory explosion he was about to be vaporised in, but in the sequel Jobe has been horribly maimed by said explosion, having not escaped it in time.

Jobe also receives a facial reconstruction, in an attempt to explain why he looks different due to actor Jeff Fahey opting not to return for the sequel.

These movies may be a pure mess, but did they really need to throw out a genuinely intriguing cliffhanger ending too, in which Jobe basically became an amorphous techno-God superhero?

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.