10 Movie Concepts That Shouldn't Have Worked (But Somehow Did)

8. A Film About A Woman Falling In Love With An Aquatic Beast (The Shape Of Water)

Joker 2019
Fox Searchlight

Just simply reading back the title of this next entry is enough to leave even the most liberal reader scratching their head. Combine that with the fact that the film in question went on to win four Academy Awards (Best Picture, Best Director, Best Production Design and Best Original Score) and you'd be forgiven for questioning if you're inhabiting the right dimension.

Yet, against all odds Guillermo del Toro's baby managed to win the hearts of not just the Academy, but the rest of the world when Sally Hawkins' Elisa Esposito fell hopelessly in love with an 'Amphibian Man'.

Seriously, how did this work?

In any other world the idea of a mute cleaner stumbling upon an 'asset' and then risking her life in order to engage in a sexual relationship with it, should of been an absolute write-off. However, the way that del Toro crafts this often beautiful story leaves the audience with no choice but to empathise with Esposito's want for meaningful connection and the way that the relationship unfolds before our very eyes feels not only logical, but somehow relatable.

It has to be seen to be believed, so - if you haven't already - sit back and enjoy having your heart broken by this doomed love story between an amphibious man and a woman.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...