10 Movie Deaths No-One Was Ready For

6. Gamora - Avengers: Infinity War

Gamora Death Avengers Infinity War
Marvel Studios

We were all told that Avengers: Infinity War was going to have huge stakes and anyone who was aware of the comics already knew that there was a good chance of at least half of the cast being clicked out of existence (albeit temporarily). But while we all steeled ourselves in readiness for that happening, nobody could have been prepared for the earlier gut punch that killed off a character pretty much everyone thought was a safe survival bet.

No matter how much she'd seemingly betrayed him, Thanos' affection for Gamora was her saving grace, but then he was presented with the Sophie's Choice of keeping his one true love or fulfilling what he saw as his destiny to "save" the universe from itself. Even as he flung her helplessly off the cliff on Vormir, while wiping a tear fro his eye, we could all barely believe we were watching it happen.

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