10 Movie Deaths No-One Was Ready For

7. Emma Morley - One Day

One Day
Focus Features

Sometimes, the most profoundly impactful deaths are the ones that come out of absolutely nowhere, like Charles Xavier's in Logan or Wash's in Serenity or Han Solo's in The Force Awakens. They're gut punches, because they're not really built up to in the moment, snatching devastation from the jaws of what looks like positivity.

The same goes for the end of One Day, which appears to be a run-of-the-mill romance after adversity movie about two people whose lives twist together over a number of years, When Harry Met Sally style. By the time we get to the end, Emma and Dexter have been through enough frustration and friction to power countless relationships and you get the sense that they're finally going to be happy.

And then, out of nowhere, Emma is killed when she's hit by a truck and Dexter's world implodes as he is faced with the reality of having found his reason to live and then seeing it robbed from him.

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