10 Movie Deaths Not Even The Actors Saw Coming

9. Maya Hansen - Iron Man 3

Iron Man 3 Rebecca Hall
Marvel Studios

The Gift star Rebecca Hall must have been thrilled when she landed a pivotal role in the third flick from the blockbuster superhero franchise Iron Man.

After all, she'd be playing Maya Hansen, the female villain of 2013's Iron Man 3. And with Lethal Weapon scribe/ RDJ comeback Kiss Kiss Bang Bang director Shane Black in the director's chair of this third instalment, surely this meant a pretty stellar role for her in the MCU?

Sure. Or she could get unceremoniously shot dead out of nowhere by her co-villain halfway through the film.

The death was brutal to viewers, but spare a thought for poor Hall, who thought she was signing on for a major role only for it to be cut into a short glorified cameo when Disney decided her character couldn't sell enough tie-in toys.

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Iron Man 3
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Cathal Gunning hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.