10 Movie Deaths That Totally Trolled Audiences

5. David Dunn - Glass

Glass Bruce Willis Death

Though the big twist in M. Night Shyamalan's The Sixth Sense pretty much defines a troll death, let's look at a more recent example in the director's filmography, albeit another one that involves Bruce Willis.

Shyamalan's hugely anticipated superhero movie Glass remains one of the year's most disappointing films (so far), because even if you were with it until deep into the third act, Shyamalan royally screwed the pooch when it came to the fate of his central hero, David Dunn aka the Overseer (Willis).

After pleasantly subverting expectations by cancelling Mr. Glass' (Samuel L. Jackson) hinted-at final showdown at a lavish skyscraper, the climactic battle between Dunn and The Horde (James McAvoy) instead takes place in an unremarkable parking lot.

But Shyamalan comes unstuck when he makes the extremely ill-advised call to not only have all three central super-powered characters die at the end, but have Dunn be drowned in a puddle of water by an anonymous goon.

Now, Shyamalan clearly knew what he was doing here: he wanted to make a superhero movie that defied sentimental expectations and felt more "grounded", but there's just no universe where mass audiences would go home happy after the franchise hero dies in such totally banal fashion.

It was a brave choice on the director's part, especially as the ending basically denied any prospect of a direct sequel, but ultimately a foolish one given what paying customers actually wanted to see.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.